Before proceeding, you will need to download and install StatBroadcast Listener:
Download StatBroadcast ListenerSetup a live stats feed in NCAA LiveStats using StatBroadcast Listener
This guide will walk you through configuring NCAA LiveStats scoring applications to connect to StatBroadcast Listener and send live stats to StatBroadcast.
You will need the latest versions of NCAA LiveStats and StatBroadcast Listener installed prior to proceeding. You will also need to create an event in StatBroadcast to transmit to.
If you are loading from a Game Key, you will need to complete all of the NCAA LiveStats Game setup steps first, inclduing setting team abbreviations and active rosters.
Note: you'll need to select a game to proceed with setup. If you do not have a current game or a game key, you can create a manual game or use the built-in test game.
Note: You must be inside of a game to access the In-Venue feed. It cannot be turned on from the previous Game Select screen.
If the Status is not listed as 'Running', click the white button in the middle labeled 'Start In-Venue Feed'
The default port number is 7677. If you have changed yours or a different number is being displayed, please make note of it (you will need this later).
When prompted, click Yes to Load an event
Login keys are numerical and 20 digits in length.
Once Listener has connected to NCAA LiveStats, you'll see the 'Successfully connected' message
If you receive a message like ' No connection could be made because the target machine actively refuse', please check to make sure that the Port Number in NCAA LiveStats matches the port number listed in Listener (see next step)
If your port number was not 7677 in previous Step 3, you'll need to press 'Stop Listening' (if Listening has started) and adjust it in Advanced Settings.
Use the port number that was listed on the NCAA LiveStats In-Venue settings screen and click Save.